Saturday, 16 May 2009

Day 4: Taunton to North Bristol

The Team: Damian, Paul, David, Marco & John.

The Somerset Levels, flat of course. And made even more fun by a southerly wind. What awaits at the other side isn't. Stopping for sarnies in Wedmore the conversation kept coming back to the upcoming Cheddar Gorge and its 200m of climb. A final stop for last minute gel intake and we were off with John taking pictures of the rest of us as we were ascending (is that showing off?!?). A racer-type cyclist caught up with us and promptly fell of as his chain came off. He was soon sweeping past us again though, and a vain attempt to keep up with him lasted all of about 20 seconds. I blame the panniers! A steep section in the middle of the climb had me out of the saddle in lowest gear for the first time. Luckily that bit didn't last long, but the rest of the climb did seem to go on forever. A race for the top resulted in the lead changing hands a number of times and, with no definitive end point, the debate about who won continues to rage. On the descent, there can be no argument as Paul clocked up the fastest time of the day, going to prove that weight has an advantage on the downhill.

Stopped for drinks at the cafe on Chew Valley Lake, the venue prompting sailing stories which, like their fishing counterparts, seemed to grow in the telling! A last hill and we were now on my home patch on the outskirts of Bristol. A brief but fairly emotional detour to my dad's grave in Whitchurch Cemetery almost ended with John joining him due to the proximity of the nearest bend to the cemetary gates! Then onto my mum's in Stockwood for a welcome bowl of pasta before passing my old school and picking up the Bath to Bristol cycle path at Bitton. Used this to skirt the east of Bristol before meeting up with the now fifth member of the team, Damian who, together with his son Thomas, escorted us back to his house where we'd be staying tonight. Some more welcome home-made food and a trip to a country pub completed a satisfying day.

Tomorrow, unfortunately, we say goodbye to Paul and David who have both been fantastic company and a pleasure to be around. Will miss you.

It's now 1 in the morning and the screen's starting to blur. Should get to bed as tomorrow the mileage increases and so we're aiming to start a bit earlier. Just got a very nice voicemail from Alison who is at Pete Johnston's 40th birthday party (Happy Birthday Mate!). That, and the evening's beer, should send me to sleep with a smile on my face.

PS Will try and upload some pics, if I can the technology to work.


  1. Hi Marco,
    Thanks again for having me along, it was fantastic fun and I only regret I won't be there at the end with you and John. I won't forget the amount of excitement that was generated by some members of the team when we rode over that level crossing!! Or who could forget the debate about man-keeny vs shorts at the pub later! Hope you went for the 4 layer strategy today. Best of luck to you both and see you soon. I'll be tuning in regularly to view the blog. Toodle pip David

  2. Well done Mate! Very good blog, very funny. Has Truscot managed to take you out yet (ha ha only joking 'chopper')?

    Of course I couldn't post a blog, being the techniphobe I am. So i set up my own blog - in order to work out how to blog you... anyway wrote you a poem. Please read on :

    See you soon.


    ps Missed a great party for PJ. Didn't know I knew all the words to Eurasure's 'Stop'. Also just as well you've got scotch guard on the carpet - Laura was a bit like that time Smarty was fined and had to wear his Barbour back to front... so we slipped out to relieve sitter, meanwhile Abigail passed out fully clothed on my side of the bed...

  3. If you have a full english every morning you'll probably weigh more at JOG's than when you left LE! I heard the weather was shocking in the UK as I chatted to my folks today so pleased to hear you're doing okay.

    Watch out for those Gloucester buggers on your next leg if you go through there. Avoid anyone with binder twine keeping up their trousers and don't stop in the forest.


    P.S. I've decided you and John O'Shea were separated at birth. Unfortunataely he got all the footy skills and apparently can't ride a bike to save his Irish life.

  4. I was lucky enough to spend two days (days 3 and 4) in the company of Marco and John. I had a great time with a couple of top boys (not forgetting David and Damian)
    If you are ever thinking of doing LEJOG I would strongly recommend that you follow their example and stay off the main roads wherever possible, the A roads were a bit hairy, its much more fun when there is grass growing in the middle of the road.
