Monday, 25 May 2009

Day 13: Still Glasgow!!

Had to wave goodbye to John this morning, as he set off to continue alone. He's been incredibly tolerant and supportive of me in the last few days, for which I'm truly thankful. I feel much better today in terms of the flu-like symptoms, but still have problems keeping anything down\in. The thought of four 75 mile days on an empty stomach means I'm going nowhere. I've also been experiencing some sort of Pavlovian reaction - the thought of getting back on my bike actually causes my stomach to turn! Maybe tomorrow will be better...


  1. Hi Marco, sorry to read this. Get well soon and I'm sure you'll complete the journey. We're all rooting for you! David, Anne, Toby, Hen-Pen & Maddie.

  2. Marco,

    Really sorry to hear your issues...shame it wasn't due to a dodgy curry and a coupla pints of 6X as it would be over in 24 hours.

    Hope you're getting enough liquids down you and you can finish the trip. I'd recommend a night in Granny Black's to give you a boost but remember now that it got condemned and pulled down.

    Good luck, at least you'll be a few pounds lighter which could come to your advantage on the hills. Will check in to see your progress tomorrow.

    I know you can do it.


  3. Hi Marco,

    Tim and Abigail here. At Ashley and Ana's house. Guess what? it's raining!

    Heard from Alison that you have done 60 miles yesterday (Tue.) Well done!

    We can't wait to see you - great blog... lots of gags about you're-in-trouble to make up before you arrive home...

    May I take this opportunity to pass on a saying from my late Grandfather - Harry McCabe:

    Mix with many,
    Trust but few,
    Learn to paddle
    Your own canoe

    Hope this, er, helps....

    T & A x x (Tim and Abigail not T*ts an Ar*e)

  4. Come on matey, we want the finish to this epic blog
